

07.12.24 Whale Counts

Another fun filled day out whale watching with a single Blue whale on our First trip, and 2 Blue whales on our second. We got to see tail flukes, and […]

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07.11.2024 Whale Counts

Another fantastic day here aboard the legacy! Both trips were greeted by massive blue whales, and finished up with energetic common dolphins. Both are such stellar experience for all aboard. […]

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07.10.24 Whale Counts

We saw some hungry wildlife out there today, with loads of Common Dolphin (over 1000 all day) and a very hungry juvenile Humpback Whale chasing bait around on our second […]

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07.09.24 Whale Counts

A wonderful day on the water with a surprise visit from one of our favorite animals! Through both of our trips today we saw in total around 1000 Common Dolphin […]

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07.08.24 Whale Counts

Flat calm glassy conditions today with a total of 4 different species spotted! On our first trip we got to hang out with a gigantic megapod of short beaked Common […]

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07.07.24 Whale Counts

A picturesque day on the water, the sun shining and flat conditions made for great visibility and jumping dolphins! Today we saw around 900 leaping Short beaked Common Dolphin between […]

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07.06.24 Whale Counts

A magical day on the water, starting with our first trip that had a very large pod of Bottlenose dolphin, and 2 Blue whales. For the second we switched gears […]

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07.05.24 Whale Counts

On our first excursion out today we found ourselves absolutely surrounded by Blue Whales! total count was around 7 all within a mile of our location and we got some […]

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07.04.24 Whale Counts

For our 4th of July we had amazing luck and were fortunate enough to get to see multiple Blue Whales on every single trip, including our annual fireworks sunset cruise […]

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07.03.24 Whale Counts

An amazing day out on the water with flat calm conditions and an abundance of wildlife! On our first trip we started off with a pod of Offshore Bottlenose Dolphin, […]

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